Sunday, January 25, 2009

we're a crazy bunch

I'm a Star Wars fan. I've been a fan as long as I can remember. I say that with pride (and just a bit of fear that this may cause people to think I liked the three that have been released in my lifetime). That said, this sums up exactly how I feel about it now. It deserves the ironic and hyperbolic treatment this writer gives it. And the best part is, people took it super seriously. "For every so called "flaw" or "failure" in the saga (none which I agree with by the way), there are dozens of story points, elements that make Mr. Lucas six-episode saga untouchable in the history of cinema. I'm not talking effects, or box office receipts, but the genius of how he told his Shakespearean myth in the form of the moving image." People like that are why I get embarrassed to call myself a fan sometimes.

Monday, January 19, 2009


WAAAANT. I'm such a dork but this just looks awesome to me. Think of the possibilities! Manzana Lift made a home! Homemade rasberry tea soda! This makes me feel like an over hyped ten year old, but really, this just looks awesome to me (and the nineties styles photos just make that flashback even worse).

Monday, January 5, 2009

because I'm done with winter

Here are some pictures I took in Oregon this summer. I'm so done with freezing weather and sweaters. (Also, I'm looking for an excuse to show off my photo skills.)