Saturday, December 20, 2008

My Hands are Shaking from Carrying this Torch

I got in to my first choice school. I'm very happy but, honestly, mostly frustrated. I still don't know about the money so I'm having to try very hard not to get to excited about getting in and that's making me pretty angry. I've got what I want right now more than anything and I can't even let myself be excited because we probably can't pay for it. Grrrr.

In other news, Sondre Lerche is my new favorite music. It's so good. I first heard it on the Dan in Real Life soundtrack (such a good movie) and it's just wonderful. Swingy, thoughtful, fun- it's got everything I'm really into in music right. Anyone whose lyrics include "my love is so articulate/but I am such a mess" is automatically is a favorite for me. Go listen! My Hands are Shaking from the Dan in Real life soundtrack in my personal favorite.

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