Monday, November 10, 2008

So now I've got this blog...

and I'm not sure what to do with it. If anyone reads this (something I think unlikely) be ready for rambling and ranting on pop culture, the college application process, and politics. Maybe some debate stuff, maybe not. Be ready for anything! I'm gonna try to post everyday, make it habit to chronicle what's going on with me and this whole college/senior year/life thing. It fascinates me how blogs seem to have replaced journals and such, like TV replaced books only kinda different in that the later is much, much sadder. TV's great an' all but books are so much better, on the whole. I love books. I don't understand how everybody doesn't love books/reading as much as I do. I wouldn't be the person I am without books and by that I mean I would like myself much less (or maybe I'd be so different it wouldn't matter and I'd just be completely unrecognizable, but that's the road to mental breakdown).

See what I mean about the ranting? I'm done now.

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